Each session whether it be your first or your 10th is designed for the individual based on your energy needs. During every session you will journey on a guided imagery to allow your body to fully relax, followed by hands on healing focusing on areas of concern, which may consist of emotional, physical or spiritual pain or discomfort. Being an Angel Intuitive I always receive guidance from Archangels, Spirit Guides, your Guardian Angel and even loved ones. Whatever comes through for you in addition to the energy healing session itself, I will share with you at the end of our session. I always include crystal healing, essential oils, possible drumming and pendulum balancing of the Chakras all while relaxing music plays in the background. You can think of a session as a Spiritual Life Coach plus energy healing session rolled into one. You will only be asked to remove your shoes and remain fully clothed during your session so please dress comfortable. Afterwards we will have a few minutes to discuss your experience and any visions or messages I have received as well as any you may have as well.
If travel is a concern or issue for you Distant Reiki Healing Sessions can be performed in the comfort of your own home or facility through Facetime, Google Meet or Telephone Sessions. Reiki is a powerful healing energy that is effectively transmitted remotely across any distance. Although this session is not in person the energy is felt and healing occurs. The session includes all of the usual modalities performed during an in person session which include clearing of blocks, chakra balancing, grounding, cord cutting, shadow work, angelic healing, guided mediation and mindfulness.
1 hour Session
Investment: $90.00
1/2 hour Session
Investment: $55.00
A typical Session will begin with a series of questions and discussions to allow me to best create the hypnotic portion customized to deal specifically with your concern. The goal is to uncover the root cause and underlying reason to your "habit" or "fear". Afterwards, the Hypnosis session will begin. You will lie comfortably on my healing table where I will gently guide you to a place of complete relaxation allowing your physical body to feel at ease so your subconscious mind can step forward as you enter a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. At this point I will be speaking to your subconscious in order to reprogram your thoughts. This is a noninvasive technique where you are completely safe. At the end of the session I will email you the recording of the hypnotic portion of the session to continue to listen to each day to help reinforce the change in the area of struggle.
Initial Session is approximately 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours
Investment: $195.00
Additional Sessions are approximately 1 hour
Investment: $145.00
Are you looking to connect to who you truly are, your Soul's purpose? Do you need assistance to change, re-direct and navigate your life? Would you like to uncover your desires, take steps towards your goals, achieve your dreams, eliminate limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks in your life? I would be honored to be your light to guide you on your spiritual journey to find a deeper sense of self and facilitate your connection to the Divine allowing you to find your true self by bringing balance to your body, mind and soul.
One-on-One Coaching/Counseling (1 hour session)
Investment: $90.00
When your seven major Chakras are open and balanced, energy flows freely through your body, mind and spirit. When these energy centers are blocked it leads to stagnation and can contribute to a variety of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments. If you are experiencing any recurring physical pain, feel depressed, disconnected to life and those around you, feeling sluggish and tired, drained or lost, one or more of your Chakras may be out of alignment. I will find these blocks and restore the energy clearing your Chakras during a beautifully guided meditation allowing you to sense and feel each Chakra as you participate spiritually increasing the healing that is much needed.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Within you, whether you are aware of it or not, is an inner child with all the emotions and vulnerabilities of your younger self. This inner child represents your capacity for innocence, wonder, joy, sensitivity and playfulness. It also holds your accumulated childhood hurts, traumas, fears and angers. We carry these emotions from our childhood into our adulthood mixed with positive and negative imprints and memories. The traumas experienced may have been physical, sexual or verbal. Chronic, complex or acute. Neglect and traumas cause a child to react by disconnecting and learn to be numb from these emotions in order to survive what feels like unbearable pain. They repress feelings of anger or grief, and the inner child is left holding those difficult emotions.
The work of healing one's inner child is an evolution and a gradual unfolding that occurs over time with dedication and acknowledging the existence. Remaining unconscious is what empowers the dissociated inner child and the emotions unknowingly affect the adult.
It is my honor to walk with you on this journey of healing to connect to your inner child in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental way to uncover these deep rooted traumas and to help you learn how to let go freely and fully. Finally ridding yourself of these memories and pieces of your life that are not in serving your highest good.
One-on-One (1 hour session)
Investment: $90.00
What is your Higher Self? it is the YOU in the form of soul consciousness, unlimited and eternal. Your intentions, desires and secrets are well known to your Higher Self, but like most you have probably had limited conversation with it. By allowing the flashes of intuition and inspiration to become a more significant part of your life, your spirit begins to grow and flourish. During a session I will not only teach you how to connect to your Higher Self but how to create a unity within. There is never separation with your Higher Self and once you are aware how to access this ability things change. Life becomes more meaningful no matter what happens in your life. You have a greater purpose in life. You perceive suffering or difficulty as an opportunity to learn and grow. You become empowered as you are now co-creating with life. Your life begins to feel magical and you feel supported and connected.
One-on One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
During a Past Life Reading you have three options:
First Option: We begin with guided imagery to enter a hypnotic state which calms the mind, opens the subconscious and relaxes the physical body. As you remain in a trance-like state I will walk you through only as a guide to connect to your memories of past lives. You will participate fully sharing the feelings, emotions and visions that are occurring.
Second Option: Guided imagery will be performed as listed above. You allow me to participate with you as we go back and forth with the visons, memories that arise from your past lives and discuss together what we are both experiencing to piece together a story.
Third Option: Guided Imagery will be performed as listed above. A Past Life Reading where I will completely be the one sharing what I visually see while your only job is to relax.
During each option normally three life times will be able to appear depending on the length of each one.
1 hour- Private Session
Investment: $90.00
Great Party idea:
Group Sessions (5) or more people to attend (1 and 1/2 hour session)
Investment: $40.00 per person
NATAL "BIRTH" CHART READING: Your natal chart is a blueprint of your personality and life ahead. It is as unique as you are and is based on the precise positions of celestial bodies during the exact time of your birth. Think of it as a polaroid picture of the cosmic map of the placement of all the planets and their journey around the Sun the very moment of your birth.
We often fall victim to the typical horoscope readings we follow on apps and dailies. There is so much more than just our sun sign. Your Natal Chart Report will be emailed to you and a reading will be scheduled to go over in detail what your chart depicts.
One Hour Reading with Chart - VIRTUAL SESSION
Investment: $175.00
NATAL REPORT: Receive via email your natal chart and report. This does not come with a reading.
Investment: $40.00
SYNASTRY CHART READING: Think of a map of the cosmos that is a snapshot of the exact planetary coordinates of when you were born. Now when we overlay another individuals map over your map, we can visually see where their planets were located in relations to yours - that is the basis of a synastry chart. Basically it is overlaying two individual’s birth charts and examining the aspects between the two charts. Synastry charts are used to examine relationships between two people, more specifically, how they may effect one another individually.
Investment: $225.00
COUPLES COMPATIBILITY REPORT: Receive via email your couple's natal chart with synastry report. This does not come with a reading.
Investment: $75
The Tarot Cards are a method of Divination that allows the Practitioner to tap into the energetic psychic imprint of the person being read. The Tarot helps create and understand your story. If we learn to interpret these messages, it allows us to develop our own narrative by connecting to the reflection of our own inner world. Exploring what is important to self development. By using both psychological and spiritual aspects to receive clear direction for a particular struggle, question or issue you are experiencing in your life. Tarot is the storybook of our life, the mirror to our soul, and the key to our inner wisdom.
Angel Cards are a direct connection to the Angelic realm and when trusting in these divinely guided messages, the law of attraction, and synchronicity, you will draw the right cards which match your vibration and energy to the energy of your questions. During a reading your own Guardian Angel and Archangels are called in as well as a connection to your Higher-Self in order to receive accurate and beneficial messages for past, present and future assistance.
One-on-One Tarot Card
or Angel Card Reading
1/2 hour- Investment: $55.00
1 hour-Investment: $90.00
Drums have been around for thousands of years, providing people with healing on a holistic level. Cultures around the world used the percussion of the drums to cure diseases long before we were born. Shamans have also used it as a bridge to the spirit world for millennia. These methods are in place to ensure the release of positive healing energy when the drums are in use. With the understanding that we are all made up of energy we all have a rhythmic vibration. The physical and mental benefits of drumming come from rhythmic healing and works with the natural law of resonance to restore vibrational integrity on a holistic level. Drumming makes our bodies, brainwaves and energy channels (Chakras) vibrate in response. Drumming synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain and builds neuronal connections throughout the entire brain. Drumming releases endorphins that increase the pain threshold and assists in the reduction of stress, anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder allowing the release of emotional issues as well. The rhythm released resonates with every cell of the body and stimulates negative cell memories.
Session consists of a combination of Guided Imagery, Drumming and Reiki Healing.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Lets face it, dieting and losing weight can be overwhelming, frustrating, and sometimes feels hopeless. We have all heard the saying "you are what you eat" if you are stuck in a diet that is nutrient-poor, unbalanced and processed your energetic vibration will be drastically reduced. You will feel tired, possibly sad and discouraged and others interacting with you may feel your low energetic frequency. You may struggle to attract the things in your life that you desire and over time a heavy density will grow around you. Choosing nutrient-dense, balanced, fresh vibrant foods is a supercharge to your energetic frequency leaving you feeling more alive, awake, in tune with the Universe as you share your glow with the world. You effortlessly attract the things you desire and the density evaporates.
We realize though that each person is unique and a typical diet program may not be affective for all people. That is why creating a customized diet and meal plan while given the right tools creates success. Our Nutrition strategies are custom built around YOU, your lifestyle, your goals and expectations, your food preferences, the amount of time you have to dedicate to meal preparation and your overall health. We utilize the theory of SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.
We begin by a complete nutrition analysis that allows us to obtain information of your previous nutrition history and key information on current eating habits and lifestyle choices. We are excited to create healthy, high vibrational, enjoyable meals that provide simple, cleaner and easier ways to implement on a daily basis, instead of extreme, unsustainable diets. We advocate against the traditional "dieting" mentality offering ways to improve overall health through mindfulness and stress relieving techniques. Ongoing assistance is given allowing us to tailor or change anything that may not be obtaining the results desired.
At GLW we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and are excited to walk with you on this journey of change.
Plan options:
"THE NEW ME" 90 Minute Intensive Intro Package
(1) 60 minute Session to discuss your goals, food preferences, health concerns and any psychological difficulties relating to weight loss. (Via Zoom or in person)
(1) 30 minute follow up session (Via Zoom)
Customized 7 day meal plan and suggestions to obtain your goals sent via email.
Investment: $150.00
"BY YOUR SIDE" 30 Day Package
(1) 60 minute Session to discuss your goals, food preferences, health concerns and any psychological difficulties relating to weight loss (Via Zoom or in person)
(4) 30 minute follow up sessions (Via Zoom)
Customized 30 day meal plan including suggestions to obtain your goals and
exercise advisement if requested sent via email
Investment: $350.00
(1) 60 minute Session to discuss your goals, food preferences, health concerns, and any psychological difficulties relating to weight loss (Via Zoom or in person)
(8) 45 minute follow up sessions (Via Zoom)
Email support
Emotional Eating Work if needed
Meal plans provided every 2 weeks if needed including suggestions to obtain your goals
sent via email
Exercise advisement if requested sent via email
Investment: $650.00
Dreaming is the communication between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind. Dreams are the bridge that allows movement back and forth between what we think we know and what we really know. Dreams allow us to play out painful or puzzling emotions or experiences in a safe place. Dreams also allow us to process information or events in an environment that is at once emotionally real but physically unreal. Dream analysis is a key component in the process of becoming whole as a person allowing your deepest desires and wounds to relay their true messages gaining a deeper understanding of yourself.
"Dreams..... are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand"
-Carl Jung
One-on-One Therapy
(1 hour session)
Investment: $90.00
Zodiac Energy Healing is a combination of Astrology, Energy Healing practices and Crystals to promote health, happiness and balance.
Based off of the twelve signs of the Western Astrology System, each person has a "Sun" sign also known as a "Star" sign, which is based on the position of the Sun at the time your birth. It is a key aspect of Astrology and is a way to represent a person's core identity, your ego, motivations and how a person moves through the world. Astrology can be a tool for healing and self-discovery by harnessing the energies of the cosmos.
Combining an individual's "Sun" sign with Energy Healing assists in cleansing and energizing the body based off of your particular zodiac sign's needs.
The use of specific crystals for each zodiac sign additionally aids in balancing energies and promotes growth and healing.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
"Cords" are the attachments you may have to people, places, objects or even beliefs that you have chosen to create at one point in your life, but have become detrimental to your well-being. You may have toxic cords with an ex-lover or ex-friend or even with a story you tell yourself about your place in the world. Even though it is no longer bringing positivity into your life, you find that your are stuck and fixated on this "thing". Logically you may be aware that you need to let go, but find yourself unable to do so.
During a session we will focus on the issue/person as we identify and release the unseen emotional ties that bind you to past experiences or relationships.
A candle ceremony is conducted with a ribbon cutting to seal the removal of the unwanted person, idea or situation.
If you are feeling burdened by these invisible connections engaging in spiritual cord-cutting can be a freeing experience. Isn't it time to clear away emotional clutter, rejuvenate your spirit and reclaim your inner happiness?
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $110.00
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with your Guardian Angel and Archangels. During a session we will invoke the presence of these Angelic Messengers as they bring a sense of love, comfort, protection and healing.
Messages that are needed to be relayed will be shared during the session as the client opens their heart to the Angelic realm.
Being an Angel Intuitive I work closely with several Archangels for guidance and direction so messages will be channeled through to bring the client to a pivotal moment in their soul's journey.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Shadow work involves exploring the parts of yourself that you repress or hide. This form of therapy originated from psychoanalyst Carl Jung. The term "shadow" is used to describe the unknown parts of ourselves or the "dark" side. Your shadow is created from all of your life experiences including the most pained, injured and vulnerable areas that you wish didn't exist. Most pave over these with facades of toughness that often end up sabotaging your happiness. The goal during a session is to work towards self-awareness, self-acceptance and compassion as we integrate your shadow into your conscious awareness. Allowing the client to understand and love the rejected pieces of themself or the "darkness".
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Harness the power of the Moon to release old patterns, beliefs and stagnant energy. Bring in positivity, healing and manifest a new tomorrow.
The Moon has a mystifying glow and ever-changing phases. She reminds us of the constant change in life and the natural ebb and flow of things. The Moon is linked to our emotions, intuition and unconscious mind.
The different phases of the Moon symbolizes stages of growth and acts as a source of light in the darkness. It brings guidance, clarity, renewal, transformation and rebirth.
Working with the different Moon phases allows a person to bring harmony into their life's journey.
Full Moons, New Moons as well as the motivating energy of the waxing crescent to the reflective calm of the waning gibbous. Each phase holds unique opportunities for growth and introspection.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
The vibrations of sound baths assist in the reduction of tension, stress, sadness and pain. The sound waves created during the session aid in rebalancing a racing mind and helps to relax and rejuvenate.
It can boost your mood and bring you to a positive state of mind. Sound healing has been a healing tool for centuries, with chanting, singing, drumming and music to tap into emotions.
Immerse yourself in this soft crystal bowl healing experience and allow the vibration to soothe a tired soul. Crystal bowl is set at 432Hz which is the Universal frequency aligning with the natural world.
Session consists of a combination of Guided Imagery, Crystal Singing Bowl and Reiki Healing.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
The Raindrop Technique is a proprietary technique of the Young Living™ essential oil company. It was developed in the 1980s by Young Living CEO and Founder Gary Young, who says the practice is inspired by a Native American ritual within the Lakota tradition. Raindrop Technique is performed by sequentially anointing the spine with oils while energy is transmitted through the hands of the practitioner, which brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through applying the power of essential oils. The therapeutic grade essential oils used are immune enhancing, they support the body's natural defenses, as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems. These oils, which are high in antioxidants, are also mood elevating and antiseptic, creating an unfavorable environment for harmful viruses and bacteria that can hibernate in the body. Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help you relax, help manage stress and frustration and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.
The following essential oils are used:
Ocimum basilicum (Basil) oil
Cupressus sempervirens (Cypress) leaf/nut/stem oil
Origanum majorana (Marjoram) leaf oil
Origanum vulgare (Oregano) oil
Mentha piperita (Peppermint) oil
Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) oil
This session is combined with the healing energy of Reiki
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $135.00
1/2 hour Session
Investment: $110.00
Goddess spirituality isn’t a new concept. It’s been around since the beginning of time. Worship of the Divine Feminine fizzled out after the rise of the Church in the Dark Ages but is making a come-back.
The Divine Feminine can enhance your spiritual practice as well as your overall life.
Goddess spirituality centers around the Divine Feminine which is a beautiful aspect of God. Women and men can practice goddess spirituality as it is beneficial for everyone.
During this session we will awaken the Divine Feminine within allowing you to begin connecting to this powerful energy. We will invoke the presence of different Goddesses to assist in creating a healthier life for yourself. Eliminating bad habits, toxic relationships, or fear. Bringing in more self love, good decisions and healthy habits.
Isn't it time to unleash the warrior goddesses you are and regain strength.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
As an Ordained Minister I am happy to perform a variety of ceremonies to choose from including elopement, traditional, customized, LGBTQ+, beach, sunrise and sunset, woodland, farm ceremonies, and any other unique ceremony you can imagine.
We will work together as we craft the perfect day for you. I tap into Spiritual Guidance for every client to create a wedding experience for couples who are looking for a spiritual, not religious wedding.
I honor the traditional elements of a wedding ceremony but, at the same time, incorporate rituals that make your wedding one to be remembered.
If your desire is a brief ceremony or elopement at City Hall to marry the love of your life no matter how small I will assist you in creating a loving memory. This includes a small traditional ceremony and the signing and filing of the marriage license. (Includes filing fees)
Investment: $180.00
Includes a 20 mile radius from New Milford, CT (outside of this area additional fees apply)
If you are looking for something familiar and timeless with traditional vows and a ring exchange that unites you together forever this is your fairy tale come true. You are given the option to use your own vows to express your undying love or I will create one for you.
(Includes filing fees)
Investment: $350.00
Includes a 20 mile radius from New Milford, CT (outside of this area additional fees apply)
You want to express the perfect words but not sure what to say. Allow me to put your feelings to paper. I will gather information from both parties and will Angelically be guided to orchestrate loving words from your heart. The final vows will be discussed and agreed upon.
(Includes filing fees)
Investment: $650.00
Includes a 20 mile radius from New Milford, CT (outside of this area additional fees apply)
What is included with All Services
All ceremonies include an in-person or virtual initial consultation between the minister and the couple. Upon mutual completion of the contract, the Minister is available for phone, text or video calls if needed to finalize the ceremony. Upon completion of the ceremony, the Minister will sign and date the marriage license. She will also file the license with the municipality on the next business day.
A non-refundable booking fee of $100 required at the time of contract to hold the date for the couple.
The presence of negative psychic energy can be detrimental to ones health and well being.
During an Aura Clearing, the client will first be grounded, then any psychic debris will be removed which assists in releasing blockages.
Cord Cutting will be performed in order to severe connections with a person or situation that is not in your highest good.
The outcome is to allow your energy to flow more freely. This process can assist in the resolution of emotional difficulties, relationship issues, spiritual issues, addictions, and spiritual health issues. The client will leave feeling energetically lighter and cleansed of the auric attacks that they have been carrying.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Choose from an array of Guided Meditations focusing on Relaxation, Healing, Stress Relief, Inspiration, Personal Development, Couples, Mental Health and Children Themes.
These guided meditations are full of positive thoughts and words that encourage a healing environment.
Thoughts influence the body and mind’s ability to heal. Depending on our thoughts our body produces chemicals that either heal or hurt us. The cells are constantly communicating with each other and the messages they receive from your mind affect this communication. Your health and well-being depend on the balance of your body, mind, and spirit.
Meditation enables us to know what is true and let go of false thoughts that go against our better self.
Clear your mind for a brighter, more peaceful, happier you. Let the healing energy of the universe erase your pain, open your heart, and relieve your mind.
You will find emotional healing, restoration, peace, and gratitude knowing that we are all one with the world and each other. Begin to set in motion the power of your mind.
One-on-One (1 hour Session)
Investment: $90.00
Step into our serene studio and amerce yourself in a comforting and relaxing experience. Surrender to a world of tranquility and rejuvenation.
Selena offers a variety of personalized treatments to cater to your skin's unique needs. Every treatment is crafted to transform your experience leaving you feeling radiant and glowing.
Selena's mission is to empower people to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. Her belief is that everyone deserves to have healthy, glowing skin and she is committed to helping you achieve that.
Indulge yourself or a loved one, as we all deserve to feel and look fabulous.
Contact us to book your session today
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